Saturday, 29 January 2011

Here comes the sun!

It's been a mixed bag this week.  The rain has slowly died out, and been replaced sun.  But also by seriously cold temperatures!

But it was beautifully crisp this morning.  The best winter weather as far as I am concerened.  I don't kow how cold it was when I left to run this morning, but the cars were still white from frost, as was half the road.

When I reached the lake it was a wonderful winter landscape (minus the snow).  Everything was white with frost, and everyones breath hung in the air in front of them.  For once I was wearing gloves for running - and didn't take them off until the last 1 or 2 km's.  I also kept my running cardigan on - I normally take it off after 3kms (or at the very least undo it and pull the sleeves up.  Not today - on and done up until I got home.

But, it was one of those mornings that made me glad to live here - the trees hanging in the slightly misty distace, the first and second bridges (yesterdays picture is number 3) poking above the tree line in the distance, a slightly darker shade of white to the mist and almost like a shadow.  Wonderful - I couldn't help but smile whilst running, it makes the distance a breeze to run.

A great end to a difficult week - work has been so rushed.  Too many final things for the project, and too many meetings to get anything else done.  I did at least manage to go drinking with colleagues again though - it's been a while since I did that, and was an enjoyable hour or so.

Friday was great - it's time for my monthly one to ones with my team and I decided to do a walking talk to take in the sunny weather.  Problem was it was about -5 and by then end of the last one my fingers were completely numb!  Still I had a good chat with my team members, and we got some nice plans for the short term future that should make their life more interesting, and bring the innovation back to the department.  Should be fun for all involved and make the business happy at the same time.


  1. The scenery for the run sounds beautiful - even if a little chilly. It was just about 0 around here in the midlands, but no hoarfrost over everything. We did have that pre-Xmas and I thought it made the countryside look fab and slightly surreal at the same time.

    A walk & talk sounds like a good idea. So much more fun than sitting around a desk trying not to nod off. ;-)

  2. It was great - here's hoping it's as good this morning :)

    The walk and talks are great (except for the cold fingers). It's a non office environment, and as you say stops people falling asleep.


  3. It does sound beautiful. But, pictures?

    The walking talk is an interesting idea. Not sure I could interest my group in this when the temp is -5.

    Calie xxx

  4. Hi Calie - it was really beautiful (I was doing my best with my narrative :p)

    Pictures... Watch this space :)

    Is that -5 centigrade or farenheit? centigrade was doable, just (with a lovely hot chocolate for all involved when we got back), farenheit... I can see you point :)


  5. @Stace - I was thinking centigrade. Still cold for those who live in Cali. I moved from a very cold climate. Back there, -5 on a sunny day with no wind might have been nice.

  6. A sunny day with no wind is a must! A decent coat is also a requirement, and gloves are not a bad idea :)

    When I had my one to one with my boss we spent it walking through the countryside for 1 1/2 hours. It makes it easy to get the more difficult conversations done..

