Saturday 12 February 2011

What I hate about Macs...

Weekend, and I should be looking forward to it.  There is 6 nations rugby to watch, and time to relax and get over the cold (the sleepyness has started to pass, but the nose and gunge has just started - how's that for a pleasent mental image on a Saturday morning!).

But...  Instead I have to go and play tech support for my father in law.  I got a email from Mrs Stace this week that he had bought himself a new MacBook and it refuses point blank to talk to his wireless network, could I help.

I said 'No, I don't use Macs - I haven't a clue'.  But was told in no uncertain terms that I know more than anyone else.  Bullhuey I say.  But it seems I can't get out of it...

So why do I hate the MacBook?  Well two things. I personally do not feel they are value for money.  For half the price of a White MacBook you can get a vanilla machine with better specs (maybe not as good battery life...).  I don't mind spending money (ask Mrs Stace :p) but I do like to feel like I am getting value for money.  Last time I was laptop shopping (a couple of years ago now) I couldn't do that with a Mac.  I could spend an extra 100 euros and have a slightly lower spec Apple machine, or I could save the money and have an Asus (Still alluminium, carbon fibre and good looking) .

But, apart from what I see as lack of value for money, my biggest issue with the Mac is other Mac users.  Not all I of them I know - so if it's not you please don't get insulted - but a few vocal ones.

There are a few people in the office that use Macs so I asked for a quick 101 on connecting to wireless networks.  What was I told 'It can't possibly be the Mac, they never go wrong, it must be a problem with the network'.  What pretentious crap!  Forget the 4 windows machines that talk to it, first attempt with no problems, and the three phones (two android and one iPhone!) - they took a little more work but got there in the end.

No if there is an issue it must be something other than the machine as they are perfect.  Saint Steve says so.

*That* is what I hate about the Mac!

(Appologies to all those normal people out there with Macs, but I had to get this out of my system!)


  1. I hope the nose gunk stops in time for you to enjoy the sport. There's some sport on? ;-)

    I'm with you on computers. A computer's a tool and nothing more. Some do certain tasks a little better, but I've yet to see one that's perfect. All have benefits and faults.

    Our office is pretty mixed (being an IT dept). Some folk use Macs, Sun Workstations, Windows 7 and Linux. Thing is, most of us aren't bothered. The OS is there to help us do our job.

    As to your last comment about OS religion, you seem to get that in all areas. But there does seem to be a bit a snobbery around certain platforms and normally they can be brought down to earth when you have to make them work within a corporate network. Chcuk in enterprise finance apps.... rather than just surfing the web and editing pictures and the zealots get a little less smug. :-)

  2. I recently switched to a Mac about 1 yr ago and can say it is worth the money, but take an awful long time to get use to it, there is a sizable learning curve. But when it comes to networking and playing with the OS I don't even bother, not yet at least. As for the Mac Fan Boys, well they can be pretty passionate! Now as for the price factor, I buy refurbished, and use Craigs list for what I need. I am slowly switching my home to Mac, I have to as they really don't get infected as much as PCs do, and my kids are horrible with infecting machines. My kids carry more computer viruses than regular biological ones, and I once called them the petry dish of the school.
    Any give Mac more of a chance and you too will be converted, as I was once like you and look at me now...

  3. Please don't hate me! My first home computer was an HP Pavilion, and it wasn't cheap either. It was constantly getting infected, which caused it to run slow and crash all the time, and anti-viral software seemed to make no difference. The Windows based Compaq and Dell PC's I used at work were often troublesome too.

    I have a MacBook Pro now, and so far, I've been very happy with it, but Macs aren't bulletproof. My I-Mac flat out died on me this past fall, after 3 1/2 years of relatively trouble free service.

    Glad to hear your cold is subsiding, despite the runny nose.

    Melissa XX

  4. Macs... make nice looking furniture. People in the iStore make them look easy to use, and because they're all pretty, it's sold.

    "The world runs on Windows."

  5. Well, we just dumped a serious amount of PC junk and replaced it with a big iMac and 2 silver laptops. I won't say we should have done it years ago, but now is good. With Snow Leopard on all three, things do mostly work as they should. Even with the learning curve they are still less admin than the old PCs ever were. And so nice and shiny! And quiet! Aaaaah!

  6. I've been a Windows user almost since it was invented. I suffered through 95, liked 98SE rather well, and really liked XP Pro. Now I have a very affordable Samsung laptop with Windows 7, and it has been excellent.

    I've used Macs on occasion. I got along. I feel no incentive to switch.

    I enjoyed a video made by a guy who said that Macs are great as long as they decided that they want to do what you do. That's one reason I've always liked Windows--it doesn't always think it knows best. I've heard other people complain about the difficulty of doing just what they wanted on a Mac. I'm not going to find out for myself :)

  7. I have just done a little work and decided to spend the earnings in an Apple store. A more popular and crowded with happy store you could not find. I knew what I wanted so picked the items off the shelf and looked for some way to pay, "I shall find someone to help" says member of staff and I follow. " This lady wishes to purchase these items" says first guy.

    Look really nice even years after you bought them and also when not in use. In ten plus years never had a virus whatever that may be. Just seem to keep working though I have probably just put a hex on mine!

    What is not to like.

    Caroline xxx

  8. I love my MacBook Pro but I'm pretty well rounded with tons of experience in Windows and Linux as well.

    It's just plain not cool that instead of helping you with what they knew, they said "Thats impossible, how could it not work?"

  9. Well it's the day after the day before - and I've put (well will put) my thoughts in a new post - I think they are too long to put here.


  10. Well, Stace, I knew this post would draw comments. I tried a MacBook. It was mine (company issue) if I wanted it. I tried, I really did, but went back to my Window laptop. As Ariel says, Windows has improved a lot since the old days. I do have an old G4 at home and am still amazed at how fast it is for Internet browsing, but I still go with my PC's for home use also.

    Calie xxx

  11. Hehe...

    I normally try to avoid confrontation on the blog. I try to steer clear of religion and politics. My life is hectic and stressful enough without making the blog a place that stresses me as well :)

    But... I had to do this rant - I was really annoyed at the people in the office - and if truth be told slightly annoyed at someone who when they spoke of Macs was told "I don't do Macs, if you get one I can't support it" who then calls you immediatlye after buying one saying "it doesn't work can you help"... Oh well. being the son-in-law who isn't I'm pleased I could actually still fix the issue in the end.

    As for Windows - I think with Windows 7 it's improved a huge amount. I love it, brings the best out of the hardware.


  12. Does not PC stand for perpetually corrupted?

    Try to avoid disease if at all possible in life, why would I want to buy a virus magnet when something virus repellent and cute looking is available.

    Caroline xxx

  13. And so you brought a Mac??? You are aware that at the yearly geek fests the Macs are the first to fall in the hacking contests... Security by obscurity (lack of market share) is the Mac trademark... ;p

    Oh, and it's a PC these days too :)


  14. Guilty! Then again I am shocked by it's increasing popularity for the reason you mentioned. Someone put microsoft office on the old one and it caused it to freeze when she used it.

    Anyone who wastes their time hacking and creating viruses when they could be making their fortune from selling apps is a fool, lets hope that distracts them for a while.

    Caroline xxx
