Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Big News

OK, I've been busy, and cagey recently - but today I let everyone in the office know what is going on.  As such I can now pass it along here...

So what was I doing last weekend that meant I could not write the post I wanted, or indeed work out or do anything except what we did.

And it was a lot of fun as well, actually I was in 7th heaven! :)

And no, it is not to do with my operation. There is still no word on that (boo), but this is just beyond that in terms of importance to me right now.

I'm going to be a mum. And I cannot tell you how much I smile every time I see that written down or tell someone.

There are some interesting bits that go with becoming a parent and being transsexual in Holland. And they are beyond not good. There was a law written in 1985 basically banning transsexuals from becoming parents. Ergo, I have to adopt my own child to become it's legal parent (and there will be no mention of the biological link on the birth certificate, I will be down as co-mother).

Sucks, but it's not like the child will not know where it came from. I do not want any legal test case here, I know the situation sucks, but I have more important things on my mind. I want to be the legal parent, full stop.

But..  I can't stop smiling! This is a pain, and it's not going to go away before February next year - so there is no point worrying more than I need to!

No, what we are worrying about at the moment is making sure that the house is ready for it's new occupant. Making sure it has a room, making sure it has safe transport and making sure that it has more cuddly toys than it can ever, ever, ever play with :)

Which brings up back to last Saturday. Test driving 'kinderwagens' (I have no idea what it is in English - it's not a push chair and it's not a pram - but it will do both...) and trying to figure out what disadvantages we want to put up with (we have three, and if you put them together you get the perfect one! :p).

And looking for nursery furniture for the new room.

And clothes for the every lovely Mrs Stace.

And buying cuddly turtles.. :)

Serious, it's huge!

And it's the first of many turtles that will make their way here :) I fell in love (honestly it's not for me) and had to get it. I was a bit unhappy when the sales assistant offered to put it behind the counter whilst we kept on looking!

So... yes... that's my big news for now!


  1. Wow. Congratulations! Here's to sleepless.... oh, I mean, here's to fun times with junior. The first cuddle, first bath, first bottle (or boob!)...

    It's tough, but it's very rewarding to see them grow and learn about the world.


    1. Uh-huh :) I have heard that your life gets turned upside down, that you live a completely different existence, and nothing is ever the same again...

      And that it is absolutely amazing!



  2. Now from what I remember about the boot on a Spitfire...

    I have been reading blogs for more years than I can remember and thought that I had heard it all but you have come up with a new one in more ways than one.


    Caroline x

  3. Congratulations, sweetie!!! I am so, so happy for you and Mrs. Stace. What a lucky child to have both of you for parents. :c)

    It goes without saying, I am sure, that you are hard at work on the proper soundtrack for your new addition. You can never start too early, after all! Muse, Radiohead, and a healthy dose of Springsteen and Pearl Jam (for starters) will make for a well-rounded future rocker. :D

    Also, I want one of those turtles. Seriously. And yes, it *is* for me. ;-p I always adored stuffed animals... and now that I am me I get to embrace them. Literally! lol

    Congratulations again, Stace!!!

    Hugs & love,

    1. I'm already trying to work out which of our stereos need to be in the nursery ;p

      As long as it's not K3 (Google it, I dare you!)

      That turtle is just soo... Well sooo! :)

      Thanks again,

    2. K3... sigh. Why did I Google that?!? lol

      As for the turtle... I could not agree more. :c)


    3. I can't believe you Googled that! Oh my... My niece adores them, so unfortunately I know most of their songs now...

      Even scarier though, when one of the band members left there was a dual country talent show (Belgium and Holland) to find a replacement!

      Anyway, I hope you recover from your experience and don't start replacing your Muse CDs any time soon ;P


    4. So what does Eya Hoya! mean?
      That put a smile on my face watching that this morning.

  4. Congratulations to both of you.
    You're going to have so much fun :-)
    The sleepless nights, dirty nappies.
    Their first steps, first words, first day at school, sports days.

    Its hard work but I can't think of anything more rewarding than watching this tiny person grow up and explore the world.
    I've had so much fun, and still do, with my son as he's grown up.

    And the stuffed toys are good too :-)

    1. The sleepless nights are going to be interesting. The nappies I'm terrified of - never in my life have I changed a brown nappy - just being in the doorway when Mrs Stace or her sister change my niece makes retch...

      But, like you say it is going to be so amazing, and it already is - each ultrasound is just astounding!


    2. The worst ones are those just after the babies born. Also if its a boy remember to stand well back when you change him as they do like to take advantage of the fact that they are nappy-less to wee.

      Technology has made it truly awesome now with being able to see the baby in the womb :-)

    3. Quick application of a clothes peg?

    4. Lovely! Though my nieces have had more attempts at getting me wet than my nephew! My youngest niece recently tried twice. Once when I was cleaning her up and she decided now was the time to go again, and once (about a second after I had passed her to her mum) as she was taken for a bath :) My sister in law got wet, thankfully I didn't :) (she was at home and so had clothes, i would have been i trouble ;p)


    5. I sympathise with your sister-in-law.
      We had an epic fail with my son's nappy when he was in hospital just after he was born.
      Nappy had been changed but we didn't realise that it wasn't on properly. I was holding him when I suddenly felt a wet sensation. Little tyke had had a wee and it leaked out of the nappy all over me.
      Its a long walk down the corridor at our maternity hospital when you have to have a coat covering the front of you!

  5. Een hele fijne zwangerschapstijd voor jullie beiden en dat daarna de wereld er anders uitziet is waar maar kinderen houden je wel bij de tijd. Nu eerst maar een heleboel dingen voor het eerst doen en meemaken, hartstikke leuk, geniet!

    1. Bedankt! Meerdere mensen hebben onze verteld dat onze level zal totaal anders zijn, maar wel fantastisch!

      Eerst de legale dingen, en alle spullel voor de kamer!


      (Sorry for the poor Dutch, but I'm trying to do more in Dutch at the moment and though this would be good practice ;p)

  6. How amazingly lovely !

    Fab news and very pleased for you both!

    1. Thank you! Like I said we are over the moon with it, and busy trying to organise everything now :)

