Saturday 6 August 2016

Family feest

I may have turned 40 a couple of weeks ago, but due to holidays the celebration with my extended (Dutch) family only happened today. Actually, I'm typing this sitting next to my mother in law. :)

We've had a totally full house this afternoon, adults and children. A lot of fun, and for the first time this year we got the BBQ lit! Something that I've simply been too tired / lazy (delete as appropriate) to get it set up...

Due to family illness we had to make sure that the house is made totally gluten free before the party, and ensure that the food has no gluten in it, and isn't contaminated during preparation. A lot of stress, but also great to have everyone here. And if course this is just one day, the family have to live with it every day! I'll stop stressing when I hear that everyone is feeling fine tomorrow morning.

Eating in the garden, and kids doing gymnastics behind us whilst we eat and drink. Our little man loves the company as well :)

Ah, 40 is still good!!!

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