Thursday, 6 December 2012

Three years ago today...

Three years ago today I had a massive panic attack and ended up telling Mrs Stace everything

As a result we talked all night and she sent me to the doctor, who sent me to the VU

It's strange to look back now.  It's only three years ago, and yet it seems like a lifetime.

In the mean time I have fallen apart (the three or four months after) and gotten myself together again

I have had 2 1/2 years of therapy leading to the conclusion that I needed to transition

I have had several firsts, first time out as me, first time meeting my boss and friends etc.
And I managed to get through them unscathed :)

I have transitioned at home and work.

I have had 9 months of anti-androgen and 6 months of hormones

I have started, and finished, speech therapy

I am a different person, and yet still the old me in many ways

I am me :)

I am so much happier in life!

What on earth are the next three years going to bring?!


  1. Utter inner contentment at finally living an honest and open life as the person you always should have been...

    At least that is how it worked out for me.

  2. Three years? No, really if you’d asked me I’d have said I “know” you longer then that. I checked and it not true of course but when I look back over the same period, time seems to have flown indeed. I’m in a totally different situation than you are and my existence is based on baby steps but I wish your next three years to be the continuing story of you as you.

    1. The blog has been around for about 6 months longer, but I don't keep that date in my head. There are a few dates that are important to me though, and a few are in December :)

  3. What on earth are the next three years going to bring?!

    Service pack 1 and 2 for Windows 2012 at a guess.... Oh, you mean for you? Yeah, of course you meant you! :-)

    I don't know, but I hope it is only good things. Funny how three years can go by and so much can change too. <<>>

    1. You know... I saw this comment on my phone this morning and I thought... That has to be Lynn (and I was right!) ;P

      Yes, I expect many service packs. Visual Studio 2012 has only been out a couple of months and the first is here - and they have announced that rather than one or two big service packs they are going to just trickle out smaller ones more frequently. If they do that for the server OSs then I feel really sorry for any admins that have to ensure nothing breaks!

      Three years ago I never thought that I would be sitting here, as Stace, still with the lovely Mrs Stace, still enjoying my job and actually learning how to relax :)

  4. :-)

    Well, you are still standing...

