Friday 8 April 2011

A nice surprise

Just a quickie today...  Its late(ish) and I am shattered :)

but I just wanted to post about a couple of nice things that happened to me this week.

Firstly was a conversation with my HR manager.  There is a focus on Team Leader training at the moment and it was a discussion about how I think that team leads from various departments can help each other improve the way that we work.  That's going to be interesting - there is a world of difference between the departments and so it's not that easy to translate experiences between us.  But there were some good things that came out of the discussion.  I have the list of things that I would like to improve on, and also the list of things that I would be prepared to do some mentoring on.

But I digress (I do manage to go off on tangents far too easily ;p).  Our HR manager knows about me, and asked how it was going before we got down to business.  She also asked if she could meet Stacy, which is great as it's something I was going to ask her about at some point.  So next week I am going to arrange to go for drinks with her.  Should be interesting...

The other good thing was a present.  A colleague / friend has been to visit his wifes family in Mexico - taking three weeks for the vacation and then another week to recover form the trip.

When he comes back to work after these trips he normally brings little gifts with him.  This time was no different, I got a little turtle for my monitor (everybody got different animals).  He also brought a bigger pressie and a Mexican picture bingo game to decide who to give it to.  I lost by one card!

When we were on our own he told me that his wife was going to be bringing me a present when she came back a few weeks later, she always stays on for a longer family visit.  Now...  This friend has a sense of humour, sometimes an interesting sense of humour.  I was quite nervous as to what it could be.

Well she came back last week, got unpacked and sorted and I got my present.  And I needn't have worried at all.  It was a collection of cosmetics - an eyeliner, 4 colours of eye shadow and a couple of lipsticks.  They are all colours that I have not yet worn - and have no idea how to wear.  His wife is going to mail me some links to tutorials on how to wear the colours without looking like a clown.

And Stacy got an invite to food as well :)  We are going to have to organise it next week.

As Mrs Stace pointed out, I am extremely lucky with the people who know about me :)


  1. Yay! A week full of win ;-) Sounds like things are coming together. The turtle sounds cute. Tell the truth now, which was more gratefully received: that or the make-up? :-P

  2. Sounds like a result!

    I have to admit an aversion to anything too colourful, it makes me feel to self-conscious.

  3. Lynn: A great week definitely, from start to finish :) The turtle is great. I guess I am going to have to get a picture of it to post :)

    Can I go with both ;p

    Jenny: Colours make me feel very self concious - but looking at a couple of tutorials I think that they can me used without standing out too much. Except for the bright red lipstick - not sure I can pull that off...)

